Category Archives: Poetry

Random thoughts on Existence

Where does my certainty end and my variability begin? I am here, consciousness existing within the unknowably complex. With a mind that seeks to baseline my existence and create a self as a comparison against it. With such rudimentary understanding of the infinitely complex the egoic mind is like a bull in a china shop. A peaceful mind will never stray far from destiny. So what to make of life? To clumsily steer this vessel into unavoidable chaos? Like I’m stranded on Starship Graham and just pulling on all the levers to see what happens. Sounds like fun to me! How can I possibly choose wrongly?

Knowingly of Love

I’ve staked a claim

Where gratitude was needed

I’ve run from all pain

As forgiveness was pleaded

I’ve puffed out my chest

Desperate to disappear

Outwardly at my best

My heart burning with fear

Blinded by destiny

I could never be here

A prayer to sleep restfully

I whispered in your ear

Even God could not speak it

In a way that was enough

It’s laughable that I seek it

And talk knowingly of love

The Last Poem

I need a poem so stunningly beautiful

That it self-destructs

I would guzzle such a poison that annihilates the reader

Where each verse joyfully burns away my weathered skin

Leaving no aspect of this reality unchallenged

Upon reading such a creation I rise above this body

And witness the mortal me

As the entirety of his existence

Dissolves into nonsense

Quickly, a desperate escalation of his pace

As the emptiness hunts for him

With each step he pushes against crumbling stones

His fingers claw into the earth with all that he can muster

Still, he falls into that unrelenting blackness

Wailing and Flailing

The pounding wind from the decent

Soon becomes as still as a vacuum

All perceptions are left floating

Empty and resting

His surroundings become irrelevant

And I can’t tell if he’s still falling

Nor can he

Differences dissolve

And our true nature resolves

It is the merging of that which was never apart

Oh to have such a poem

Freedom packed into rhyme

Infinity captured within time

The Worn Out Cloth

These cracked and weakened hands

Wringing this worn out cloth

For every last drop

That wasn’t already there

A desperate search for purity

Yields not but the divine nature of futility

Becoming brilliantly careless

An effortless smile

Erupts into laughter

A servant of humility

Discarded notions of ability

A hint of there-ness

Tickling this moment from beneath my skin

The once cursed silent dialogue of truth

Bathes me in a pool of the senses

Softening my pursuit

So I may be pursued

Hand in hand with my soul

Onwards we march

Salute to Robert Burns

In the spirit of New Years Eve I went searching through some Robert Burns poetry to find some words that spoke to me and found this little gem in a poem called “Tam o’ Shanter”. I hope you enjoy and have a Happy New Year!

But pleasures are like poppies spread:
You seize the flower, its bloom is shed;
Or like the snow fall on the river,
A moment white – then melts forever,
Or like the Aurora Borealis rays,
That move before you can point to their place;
Or like the rainbow’s lovely form,
Vanishing amid the storm.
No man can tether time or tide,
The hour approaches Tom must ride

Be still and know this eternal Truth: Consciousness – true Love – is the Supreme Force

Below is a link to wonderful poem by Gautam Sachdeva called “The World’s Best Astrologer”. Gautam is a former student of guru Ramesh Balsekar who was himself a student of Nisargadatta Maharaj. Through his YouTube channel here Gautam explains many of Ramesh’s most important teachings with extreme clarity. It is definitely worth your time. Enjoy the poem below.

The World’s Best Astrologer

The Paradox of Spirituality

I am always doing, when nothing need be done.

I search for answers, when there is nothing to find.

I strive to learn, but I must unlearn.

I wake from sleep, into another dream

I search for God, it is God that seeks.

I ask for forgiveness, but there’s nothing to forgive.

I run away, but never move an inch.

I beg for knowledge, of what I already know.

I fear my death, but have presumed my birth.

I am nothing, but I am everything.

This Is Your Soul

Please, shed yourself of this polluted skin
And be not of your circumstance
Not a single mystery is worth solving
Nor a spoken word that improves upon silence
This world sparkles and screams
But such is the work of the sleeping masses

Does a lions heart dwell in there?
Have the courage to drop your names
And place trust in your path
Fear is not pushed, but pulled into existence
Bad days will unlock your deepest secrets
Reverse your gaze and dwell

A shoebox of thoughts
An inherited assumption of need
Each arising pain is a cleansing
Standing on the edge of awakening
Listen as your heart speaks to you
This is your soul and there is but one path to freedom

How To Live, How To Live

There’s isolation in this darkened hallway
Room only for single file
Each truth comes draped in riddles
Ripened fruits hide unwanted ironies
Footsteps of insanity echo behind me
Trying to know what can’t be known
Misunderstood and labelled
This body is his window
A dazzling show of all creation
These clothes give me warmth
But to be naked and thoughtless
How to live, how to live